Block quote
A paragraph, introducing a thematic break:
a link
an image
some emphasis,
something strong, and finally a little code()
JSX is an extension to JavaScript that looks like HTML but makes it convenient to use components (reusable things). JSX is typically combined with a frontend framework like React, Preact, or Vue. These frameworks add support for components, which let you change repeating things like the following markup:
JSX is good for components. It makes repeating things more clear and allows for separation of concerns. MDX supports JSX syntax. The following looks a lot like HTML:
<MyComponent id="123" />You can also use objects with components, such as the `thisOne` component onthe `myComponents` object: <myComponents.thisOne /><Componentopenx={1}label={'this is a string, *not* markdown!'}icon={<Icon />}/>